On December 17, 2023, a charity bazaar, for which our volunteers had been preparing for a long time, took place in Cologne on the premises of the Church of St. Great Martyr Panteleimon.
The atmosphere was festive and joyful. There were many of visitors. The students of the St. Children’s and Youth Center of John of Shanghai have contributed much. Under the guidance of teachers and parents, they prepared wonderful Christmas cookies and made Christmas tree decorations.
We thank all participants and guests of the bazaar!
See the photos
Dear friends, the year is coming to the end. It was a difficult one, like the last few years in a row. Yet, thanks to you, it gives a hope. Thank you for remaining humans, for your help and support! Every human life and the health of every child remains important to us. In these dark times, we carry on with helping.
In November, we have helped with the purchase of medicine for Golovin Nikolai, Moscow, pancreatic cancer with metastases to the liver, and with fundraising for the treatment of 3 care-receivers of the Chance4Life charity foundation, Israel.
In this pre-Christmas month, our help is awaited by:
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Dear friends, a wonderful event took place on October 15-20- the DobroMore Psychological Conference. Every October we hold such a multi-day meeting, where the participants are psychologists, volunteers and our care-receivers. The format is unique, and the effect is amazing. The theme of the conference 2023 was “The ways to help yourself and others with a psychological trauma.”
Against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, the war in Israel, the constant battle for health and life in families with seriously ill children – this educational conference became warm support and a breath of fresh air for all participants.
Here are some reviews:
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Dear friends, the past two months have been eventful. Thanks to everyone who have helped financially. With your help, we have closed the collections for:
Eva Chaplya, 4 years old, Belarus, cerebral palsy,
Fadey Smirnov, 7 years old, Belarus, cataract of the corneas of both eyes;
the family of Alexandra Sumets, 8 years old, Ukraine, Kharkov region, Cloves syndrome;
The Center for children with special needs in Grodno.
Thanks to everyone who have helped to organize our psychological conference for care-receivers and helping specialists, that starts in Montenegro in two weeks! We will be glad to meet those who come, and to get the support of those for whom it is important that there is a little more order, understanding, warmth and joy in our suffering world. Thank you for being with us!
In the next month, our help is awaited by:
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Dear friends, have a good and healthy summer!
Thanks to everyone who helps!
Last month, we have helped to pay the accommodation during the treatment for the Sherstoboev family, where two members, a son and a father, suffer from cancer.
This month, our help is awaited by:
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