Thank you for your contibution to “Good Deed”!
Greetings to you all!
Dear friends, I thank you heartily for your support!
In May, with joint efforts we managed to pay:
ortheses for Denis Krasnikov, 14 years old, cerebral palsy, tetraparesis and treatment in Asklepios Clinic in St. Augustine for Savva Linenkov, 5 years old, from Ukraine, еsophageal atresia.
Here is the list of our “urgent” care-receivers in June and July: Read more
Hello everyone!
Dear friends, thank you for your support.
In April we contributed to the payment for the rehabilitation course in Budapest for Alexey Holkin, 11 years, ICP, epilepsy; we found a sponsor for a long term support for Artem Agarkov, 5 years, Rostov region, Ileus, intestinal atresia and hypercephalus; and paid for the purchase of a house for the Kochnovyj family with multiple children, from Donetsk.
In May we ask you to help: Read more
The Orthodox Volunteer Day, which was established in Russian Orthodox Diocese of Berlin and Germany to be celebrated every year on the first Saturday in July, will take place this year on July 7th in Darmstadt. The program encompasses July 6-8 and will be held in two locations: Jugendherberge Darmstadt, Landgraf, Georg-Str. 119, 64287 Darmstadt and Kirche d. Hl. Maria Magdalena, Nikolaiweg 18, 64287 Darmstadt-Mathildenhöhedurchgeführt.
The Orthodox Volunteer Day will be devoted to st. Elizaveta Fyodorovna, a great contributor to the development of charity in Russia, to White Flower action, sisters of mercy activities, the spititual base of charity and beneficence. As usual, apart from the exchange of experience between the volunteers and volunteer groups from different countries, there will also be meetings and masterclasses with valuable specialists and interesting people in the field, amongst which there will be the representative of the German charity organisation Caritas, the Mother Superior of a women’s orthodox monastery, directors of Russian charity foundations and organisations and coordinators of socio-communal and business projects. We will get to know each other, answer work-related questions, discuss the topics of serving and intended purpose, the interrelationship of worldly and clerical benevolence, the possibilities of working together with deaconry and benevolence structures from other countries and the necessity of happiness and spiritual growth for the volunteer.
The program will end on Sunday, July 8, 18:00. The updates will be published here.
The registration form has to be filled before June 1st. The registration fee is EUR 30, this includes housing and food. Please pay it here.
Questions and suggestions are accepted by phone or e-mail: +49 178 5408805,