Germany, Krefeld, July 5-7, 2019
Traditions of Christian charity and new technologies in volunteer work
Last update: 21-6-2019
July 5, Friday
17.00 | Welcome and registration of the participants. Tea and cake. |
18.00 | The meeting of volunteers and parishioners with аrchbishop Panteleimon (Shatov), Bishop of Orekhovo-Zuevо, Head of the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service of the Russian Orthodox Church. |
19.00 |
July 6, Saturday
8.30 | Moleben (service of supplication) before a good deed and to st. John of Shangai. |
9.00 | The openinig of the Volunteer Day. Greetings from archbishop Tikhon of Podolsk, governor of the Diocese of Berlin and Germany. Opening remarks by archpriest Ilya Limberger |
9.30 | On importance of volunteer work in Christian life, Abp. Panteleimon |
10.00 | , Report on activities and plans of Diakonia, Alina Titova, Russian Orthodox Diakonia «Good Deed», Germany |
10.30 | Presentations of the local Diakonia groups at the German parishes and the volunteer groups of other countries |
11.15 | Should the hidden become revealed, or Why do we need an organized volunteering. Deacon Igor Kulikov, head of the Distance Education and Further Training Section of the Synodal Department for the Church Charity and Social Service of the Russian Orthodox Church. |
11.45 | Coffee break and poster session. Group photo. |
12.15 | On the role of team in volunteer work, Alina Titova |
12.30 | Modern technologies of efficient communications in distributed project teams. Alexei Glamozda, head of regional office Eastern Europe, «Levereis», Germany |
13.00 | Coffee break |
13.15 | Trial by fundraisng: technologies in response to challenges Pascal Lépine, founder of Atypic, Canada, consulting for non-commertial sector |
14.00 | Who is a volunteer? Frederica de Graaf, volunteer of the First Moscow Hospice, Russia |
14.45 | Lunch |
15.15 | The method of therapeutic recreation in rehabilitation of children and their family members during and after the illness. Anna Vorotnikova, coordinator of education of the volunteers, DobroMore Center, Russia |
16.00 | On patnership, attention and creative content in the work with seriously ill children. Konstantin Sedov, «Bolnychye Klouny» (CliniClowns), Russia |
16.45 | Coffee break |
17.00 | Activities in the working groups: 1. The role of information and IT-technologies in charity 2. Is it possible to make charity self-sustaining? Dobro More project. 3. The training session «Clowns in a hospital» 4. The training session «Emotional burn-out» 5. Round table for young people |
18.00 | Vespers and confession |
19.30 | Dinner |
20.00 | Tea. A conversation with an interesting person.Frederica de Graaf |
July 7, Sunday
9.30 | Holy Liturgy, celebrated by archbishop Tikhon of Podolsk | 11.30 | Conclusions. Closing of the Volunteer Day. |
12.00 | The charity action «White Flower» |
15.00 | The visit of ill children with Konstantin Sedov |
Address: Wielandstraße 11, 47799 Krefeld
Contact: +49 178 5408805, Alina Titova
+ 49 176 21214717 Elena Palchinsky
Subject to changes! The actual version can be found on
Hurry to do good!
Photos: the festival as seen by our volunteers
On May 19, in Moscow, in the Marfo-Mariinsky convent, the White Flower charity festival has taken place. The orthodox relief service “Miloserdie” has been organizing the festival annually for already 9 years. This year the feast turned out to be the biggest for all years – thousands of Muscovites and city guests have came to the convent, and about 4 million rubles have been collected in total.
This year, in the framework of the interaction between Diakonia and “Miloserdie”, the experts of “Miloserdie” held a number of webinars on technologies and the preparation process of the festival. Three Diaconia volunteers – Elena Palchinskaya from Krefelda, Olga Schmidt from Wiesbaden, Irina Simonova from Berlin – were able to visit Moscow Our volunteers could directly participate in preparing and holding the festival, were in the midst of it. They have learned and seen a lot. Elena Palchinskaya is reporting:
Read more
I congratulate you all with the Luminous Easter! Let us participate in this victory of Life over the death!
Dear friends, in last month we have accepted 20 new requests for help while going on working on the previous ones. Our volunteers organize the search for proper clinics, the arrival to the country, translations of the medical documents, the support of the German funds, and the various assistance on the spot.
Owing to your ongoing support, we were able to help financially to several families, this counts the costs of the flight for urgent kidney transplant surgery to Rosa Knezevic as well as help to pay for the housing and treatment of our care-receivers Abdullina Adelina, 4 years old, leukemia, Alice Terekhova, 13 years old, ganglioglioma relapse, Sofia Dukashova, 8 years old, leukemia.
Thank you for your support and your kind hearts!
Our care-receives in May: Read more
The Orthodox Volunteer Day, which was established in Russian Orthodox Diocese of Berlin and Germany to be celebrated every year on the first Saturday in July, will take place this year on July 6th in Krefeld. It will be held in Krefeld on July 5-7, on the basis of the parish of St. Barbara, Wielandstr. 11, 47799 Krefeld,
The theme of Volunteer Day in 2019 is New technologies in volunteer work .
We expect many very interesting speakers and guests from different countries and areas of activity. We are pleased to announce the arrival of Vladyka Panteleimon (Shatov)! We will discuss technical developments, psychological techniques, new concepts and findings. There will also be round tables on the participation of children and adolescents in volunteer work, burnout prevention techniques, and effective communication in the volunteer group. There will be a workshop on dealing with seriously ill children and their families. In a special session, we will discuss a new rehabilitation and educational project of the Good Deed. We will meet old friends, establish new contacts, communicate, support each other, have fun and share experiences. A joint liturgy and communion in the church, a charity event in favor of our care-takers and the closing of the Volunteer Day will take place on July 7th.
You are invited! Please come.
We do expect the representatives from each diaconical group of Good Deed. It would be even better if the whole group comes!
To take part in the event , please fill out the registration form before June 10 (before June 5 if you need an overnight stay). The registration fee is 30 euros, this includes food and accommodation. Please pay the fee here .
Questions and suggestions by phone or email: +49 178 5408805,
Dear friends!
our Pre-Easter charity bazaar in Munich has been successfully held yet another time.
We are very grateful to everyone who responded and supported us! Every year, more and more of you do so! It is very, very pleasant that such projects find a response in your hearts, and we hope that we can continue to help children with you together!
The parcels with handcrafts for the bazaar came by mail from all over Germany and the needlewoman of Munich, by the established good tradition, have actively responded! We are grateful to everyone who helped to prepare the table with lean pastries – with each bazaar held it becomes more and more varied and increases in quantity!
Together we have collected a significant amount, the money has been transferred to Diaconia Good Deed account, This amount does not cover all the necessary expenses, but gives hope and faith in the healthy future of these kids!
We raised funds to help Daniel L. from Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia. He is 7 years old and all his years of life he is forced to fight with serious diseases. Dani has a child central paralysis, microcephaly, epilepsy. Unfortunately, in Russia they cannot help Daniel. The cost of his treatment: 6,200 euros.
The 2nd child we help is Olesya B. from Perm, Russia. She is 6 years old. The girl was diagnosed with congenital heart disease, and she requires an open-heart operation with the use of a heart-lung machine. Parents chose a clinic in Leipzig with the lowest cost, which is about 30,000. The amount for the operation for Olesya that remains to be collected: 7,500 euros
Your kindness makes our world better and cleaner! Thanks to all who helped organize the event, to everyone who came and purchased the goods and pastries!
We really appreciate and love you! & # X1f917;
Volunteers of Munich