Dear brothers and sisters!
An another wonderful bazaar is over! We are glad to report that it was a big sucsses. With huge grattitude to you, our parish folk, to all who support us, and with light sorrow we let this event pass.
This bazaar has happened to be special, we have collected a record amount. This is our joint merit!
Most of the funds collected, as usual, have been transferred to Diakonia “Good Deed” that supports children who come to Germany for a treatment. In addition, we will send a part to Fr Samuil to Moldova, Fr Mikhail to an orthodox parish in Lugansk, and also to Fr Alexander (parish of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Moscow) for a surgery of baby Alesha.
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Photos On December 15, on the premises of St. Panteleimon church, we have held a traditional pre-Chirstmas charity bazaar. The preparations have started already in October. Under the guidance of Good Deed volunteers, the children and adults after the Sunday srevices and Saturday sessions at the Children Centre came together to make Chirstmas decorations and souvenirs for the bazaar. Even the little ones endeavoured making with their moms the delicious Christmas pastry. Help to sick children has become an important uniting activity for the whole Cologne parish.
All funds collected will be used to pay the housing and other needs for the families of sick children from Russia, Kazakhstan, Ossetia, that follow long-term medical treatments in Cologne University hospital.
On Friday 13.12.2019, in Berlin, at the cultural centre Schwartzsche Villa, a charity concert of Yegor Yegorov has taken place. He performed works of Chopin for the audience of about a hundred. We have collected a sizeable sum for our care-receivers.
Many thanks to Yegor, the volonteers organizing the event, to all donators and attendees!
Yet another year with you, friends, comes to the end. It was full of love and warmth, support and kindness. The words of gratitude from the children whom you have helped, from their mothers, fathers, grandmothers – these words come to us in dozens these days. On their behalf, with great admiration for the work of volunteers and the generosity of the donators, we say: dear friends, thank you for your help and involvement! Life goes on, good deeds bring forth fruit.
In November, we have helped to pay: the emergency surgery in Switzerland to replace the spinal support system for Victoria Vakatova, 10 years old, Moscow, scoliosis, impaired spinal development; the treatment in Israel for Daniil Likhodienko, 7 years old, Khabarovsk Territory, Russia, the consequences of cancer, epilepsy; the stem cell transplantation for Sofia Mushkudiani, 6 years old, Georgia, epilepsy, cerebral palsy; the medicines and medical examination for Valentina Mikhailova, 5 years old, Ukraine, laryngeal and tracheal papillomatosis, tracheostomy.
On the eve of the magical New Year and Christmas days, the following children are waiting for our help:
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The charity is not so much a material help as a spiritual support of one’s neighbor. The spiritual support, first of all, is a non-condemnation of one’s neighbor and respect for their human dignity.
Leo Tolstoy
We want to be better, we want to be cleaner, we want to be happier. When we are full of happiness, we share it with others with joy. But when a trouble knocks on our door, the manifestation of virtue and charity help us, with a pure heart, to cope with an uninvited guest.
And we also want to believe in miracles. In December, before Christmas, the whole time period is shrouded in the lights of light, hope and love. This time also includes the Navity Fast. We clean ourselves physically and mentally. We try to support our soul and the souls of other people, in word and deed.
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