House for DobroMore

As many of you know, in addition to volunteer support for medical treatment in Europe and in the countries of the former Soviet Union, we also provide education and training for volunteers, educational programs, and rehabilitation programs for families with children who are sick or just underwent a severe illness. The project is called DobroMore and is based in Montenegro.
At the moment, we have an opportunity to purchase a wonderful house in the northern part of Montenegro and create a site there. This will not only allow us to run our programs all-year-round, but also provide financies for these programs.
The house is located in Durmitor National Park, Montenegro. It is one of the most beautiful and pollution-free places in Europe, in just 2.5 hours drive from the sea and from the southern branch of our center where we can carry out our programs off-season.
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Dear friends,
Thank you all for the support!

In August, your help was received by
Alexey Afonin, 5 years old, St. Petersburg, neuroblastoma of the right adrenal gland;
Artem Kashira, 23 years old, Tula region, Russia, traumatic brain injury at birth;
Yaroslav Andreev, 9 years old, Kaluga region, Russia, cerebral palsy;
Maxim Antonenko, 28 years old, Ukraine, progressive left-sided squamous cell carcinoma;
Serhiy Derkach, 29 years old, Ternopil region, Ukraine, hemangioendotheliopericytoma (spinal injury);
The big Kochnov family from Rostov region, Russia.

In September, the following care-receivers are waiting for help: Read more


Hello everybody!
With us, helping others is easy! Even in difficult times.
We support the families in Russia and the families of children who came to Europe for treatment.
In the last months, we have managed to help:
– to pay off the housing debt of the family of Ilya Sorokin, 19 y.o., Vladimir Region, Russia, consequences of traumatic brain injury;
– to support financially Kochnov family from Rostov region, Russia, where all three children are sick: Luka, 6 years old, bronchopulmonary diplegia, Vanya, 8 years old, cerebral palsy, hearing loss, optic nerve atrophy, Damir, 13 years old, asthma;
– to pay off a part of travel expenses for treatment of archpriest Vyacheslav Perevezentsev, cancer;
– to pay off a part of a rehabilitation course in Crimea to Yaroslav Andreev, Kaluga, Russia, 9 y.o., cerebral palsy.

And this is not only about financial assistance, but also about showing care – often this help is no less important than the financial one. Thank you for being with us!

In August, our help is awaited by: Read more

Düsseldorf, 18-7-2020

On Saturday 18-7-2020 in Dusseldorf our volunteers took part in the weekend fair. All funds collected are to purchase an orthopedic bicycle for our care-receiver Andryusha.
7-year-old Andryusha has cerebral palsy, and he needs an orthopedic bike for the development of the hip-joints and thigh muscles. The family lives very modestly, Andryusha is the youngest of 4 children. The parents cannot afford such a bike on their own. HELP GOOD TO HAPPEN!

Munich, 5-7-2020

Our volunteer Irina has picked up the family B. at Munich airport to drive them to Vogtareuth
clinics. The familiy has come for a planned surgery.