Dear friends, we need your help!

Russian Orthodox Diakonia in Europe “Good Deed” announces a fundraiser to organize the departure of families with sick children from the war zone.

You can help using the following details:

Bank: Russisch Orthodoxe Kirchengemeinde Stuttgart
IBAN:DE62600501010002645779, BIC: SOLADEST, purpose of payment: Kinderhilfe Ukraine

PayPal:, purpose of payment: Kinderhilfe Ukraine

To volunteers of Diakonia Good Deed

My dears, we are a family! Remember this whatever happens. What is happening now is of course beyond the edge. We all experience strong emotions. Despite this, let us try to be together, be collected and mindful.

We have to help our wards. Both we and they have various passports and places of residence. And this doesn’t mean anything. We need to stick together no matter what the circumstances are, and remain human despite the circumstances.
Our help is needed now more than ever. And only together we can help others. I encourage you to support each other and keep peace in your soul.
We cannot be divided and fight each other, we must stick together!

Alina Titova


We train to live in paradise while helping others.
Dear friends, thank you for your participation in the circumstances of children and adults who need support now!
In January, we have helped to:
Marfa Knyazkova, 4 y. o., Tula, heart disease; Tamara Rastegaeva, 8 y. o., Donetsk region, brain tumor; Ilya Krasilnikov, 7 y. o., Kazan, cerebral palsy.

In February, your help is awaited by:
Read more

Gifts of Nadezhda

Our volunteer, Nadezhda Sycheva, a music teacher,
offers to everybody to buy her hand-crafted gifts, for children and adults, for any feast.
You can choose and order the gifts at her site:
all, for birth and babies, dolls, for Easter.

With every order, you support Good Deed and help our care-receivers.

Forthcoming: charity bazaar in Munich

Friends, we invite you to the charity bazaar @dobroedelo_art_de. The event will take place on February 6, 2022, in Munich at the @ZenrumFrOst premises at Landsbergerstrasse 183. Eingang West. 1.Stock. from 12.00 to 16.00.

3G rule is in effect!

Come and support us!

All proceeds will be used to help the care-receivers of the Russian Orthodox Diaconia in Europe “Good Deed”.

Read more at @dobroedelo_art_de For all questions, please contact in private messages on Instagram @dobroedelo_art_de @koch_svetlana