July-August 2016
Dear friends!
Thank you all who in time of vacations and holidays keeps helping the others and participating in Good Deed!
For last two months, we have manage to fulfill several urgent requests and help to several our care-receivers.
It is already second month they successfully treat in Bonn Andrei Dmitriev from Donetsk, 9 y.o, spine wound. After two surgeries, he has to undergo a long rehabilitation course, in order to learn to walk anew. The rehabilitation costs EUR 20,000 while money is over. Without this rehabilitation, the long and expensive treatment would not make much sense. Please do not forsake the child whom we have been helping for years!
We have paid special plates required for a complex cranial surgery by Bogdan Belashov from Donetsk region, 3 y.o., Cruzon syndrome.
We have paid the back-home tickets for Varya Shelyagina from Kazakhstan, 3 y.o., retinoblastoma (retina cancer) and her mother after a check-up in an Essen hospital.
There is sad news: a cheerful and lively boy Ilya Spinov, 12 y.o., leukemia, has passed away. Unfortunately, they could not help him in Moscow, and we were not in time to bring him abroad … Please pray for newly departed child Ilya and his parents!
Children who require help now:
Misha Looga, 7 y.o., injury of the central nervous system, in the age of 5 month has had an adverse reaction on a medicine prescribed. He survived, yet sustained the damage of the brain areas responsible for motor coordination and balance. So he has a difficulty to walk and to speak. He has to go to school soon. He has already undergo four courses of rehabilitation. The doctors give him a hope if the persistent and quality rehabilitation is provided. The parents do everything they can. However they have no means for the next course. Misha is expected in September in Igalo Center, Montenegro. The funds required: EUR 6,600.
Valya Mikhailova, 3 y.o. , papillomatosis of the larynx and trachea, Rovno, Ukraine, is raised by her grandmother. Twice a month her grandmother brings her to Kiev for a surgery – otherwise the child would stop breathing. Unfortunately, in several days after a surgery the papillomas start to grow again threatening the child’s life. To solve the problem, she needs to come to a hospital in Frankfurt. The bill for the medical examination and initial treatment amounts to EUR 10,000.
Sophia Dukashova, 5 y.o., leukemia relapse, from Rostov, is under treatment from 2013. The medicine that was saving Sophia for years does not work anymore. Sophia requires a bone marrow transplantation from a non-related donor. Survival rates for this treatment are low in Russia. They are ready to help Sophia in a Wurzburg hospital. Starting July, she is following chemotherapy over there. The transplantation is planned for September. The funds required: EUR 300,000.
Anton Ovcharenko, 4 y.o., has been born with spina bifida. The child has undergone several surgeries on spinal cord and brain, he got a metal frame mounted in his neck. It has been found during a surgery that the spinal cord roots are preserved. This means he will be able to walk – despite the present paralysis.
Anton underwent several courses of rehabilitation. His mother asks for help to get a Grillo gait trainer for Anton to learn him to walk. Does anybody of you have an opportunity to get such a trainer? You would make a true wonder for the child and his family. In Russia, the trainer costs RUB 314,880 (EUR 4,200).
Mother of Muhammad Kurbanov, Makhachkala, Dagestan, Russia, 5 y.o., cerebral palsy, also asks for the help to get a new pushchair for his son. In August, he will go to Asklepios hospital for a joint surgery. He has grown up so the old pushchair is too small for him, and the parents have no means to buy a new one. The pushchair costs about RUB 240,0000 (EUR 3,200).
Nina Taranets, 19 y.o., from Krasnodar region, Russina, is getting blind slowly as a result of a trauma she has got in her childhood.
Her illness is developing despite the surgery and medications she got. She requires extra medical examination and treatment abroad, since there in Russia there is no a decent neuro-ophthalmological center. Nina is expected in Freiburg, Germany university hospital for the examination and treatment. The funds required: EUR 37,970.
I am glad to report that the second international Orthodox Volunteer Day has taken place on the first Saturday in July, in Munich. About 50 volunteers from 3 countries have gathered to exchange the experience, forge new contacts and reach agreements on mutual help. According the tradition, a part of the Day was a charity action on behalf of one of our care-receivers. With the generous help of parish members and guest of the Cathedral of the Holy New-Martyrs and Confessors of Russia in Munich, we have collected EUR 1,730 for Denis Krasnikov, cerebral palsy.
The reports about the Day, including talks and discussions with participation of vladyka Panteleimon, the priests Ilya Limberger, Nicolai Artemoff. Nicolai Zabelich, psychologist Svetlana Pokidysheva, the main coordinator of Diakonia Alina Titova, the coordinators of local diaconic groups are to be found at our site www.orthodiakonia.ru
I am ready to answer your questions, send all documents required for volunteer aid work, and will be glad for your active participation in charity work!
I love you all,
Yours Alina Titova
For the health of:
infants Varvara, Konstantin, Mikhail, Sophia, Valentina
children Victoria, Ariadna, Daniil, Andrei, Denis
Dmitry, Aglaida, archpriest Sergii, Ksenya, Nina
For the repose of the newly departed child Ilya.
And for the health of their relatives!