Evangelina D.
Age: 15 y. o.
Residence: Russia, Krasnodar Region
Diagnosis: Encephalopathy, epilepsy, scoliosis grade 4
Needs: rehabilitation in Germany
Funds to raise: EUR 6600
Evangelina was born with complications and was in intensive care from the first days of her life, where she was diagnosed with encephalopathy. Despite doctors’ observations and treatment, her condition worsened, and seizures started. Over time, the girl has developed kyphosis. During the time of pandemic, it evolved into grade 4 scoliosis. The surgery that was planned in Germany had to be performed in Russia because of her poor health. Despite all difficulties, Evangelina maintains the ability to walk with support and is very happy when she manages to do so. She has undergone six surgeries, and now she urgently needs rehabilitation. Evangelina is ready to receive treatment at the TeraReha Rehabilitation Center in Ratingen. The cost for three weeks of rehabilitation is 6,600 euros.