DobroMore: the second program period is completed
Dear friends,
the second program period in rehabilitation and education center DobroMore is completed. Because of the travel rescriptions imposed in the end of March by many countries, we had to end it earlier than planned. The families and volunteers flew home, keeping in hearts the positive charge of bright emotions, love and mutual support. We thank very much all participants, volunteers and sponsors.
Counting the number of participants, this program period was much bigger than the previous one – more than 40 participants. There were 6 families of the care-receivers, of, 3-4-5 and even seven family members, the volunteers from Moscow, Petrozavodsk, Germany, Montenegro. There were master-classes held, the children did archery and hyppotherapy. Sea, hot spring sun, joy and hapiness…
Please wish best luck and success to our project, despite gloomy times we all enter now.