Dear friends, the year is coming to the end. It was a difficult one, like the last few years in a row. Yet, thanks to you, it gives a hope. Thank you for remaining humans, for your help and support! Every human life and the health of every child remains important to us. In these dark times, we carry on with helping.
In November, we have helped with the purchase of medicine for Golovin Nikolai, Moscow, pancreatic cancer with metastases to the liver, and with fundraising for the treatment of 3 care-receivers of the Chance4Life charity foundation, Israel.
In this pre-Christmas month, our help is awaited by:
Happy New Year and merry Christmas!
Health and peace to all of us!
I wish health to you all! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
I embrace you heartily,
Yours Alina Titova