Conclusions of the Orthodox Volunteer Day 2017
I am glad to report that on June 30 – July 2 in Berlin the third Orthodox Volunteer Day has been held, on the day of commemoration of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco.
The Day has taken place with the support and on premices of Russian House of Science and Culture in Berlin and Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Partiarchate), and under guidance and active participation of archpriest Ilya Limberger (Штутгарт), archpriest Andei Sikoev (Берлин), priest Evegny Murzin (Берлин), archpriest Samuil Bakarzhi (Молдова).
This year the Day has brought together the participants from 8 countries. There have been represented the diakonia groups from 30 cities of Germany, Scotland, the Netherlands, and the volunteer organizations and funds from Russia, Israel, Belgium, Switzerland, Moldova.
The talks were given by Alina Titova, Russian Orthodox Diakonia «Good Deed» (Германия), Vladimir Berkhin, «Predanye» fund (Russia), Ekaterina Metleva , volunteer organization “Miloserdie” (Россия).
Участники обменялись опытом, наладили контакты и обсудили следующие темы:
- Goals and tasks of volunteer work
- Organization of volunteer groups and the coordination tasks
- Fund raising
- Organization of events and collections
- Participation of children in volunteer work
- Boosting the efficiency of volunteer work with IT-solutions
- Spiritual basis of communication between volunteers and care-receivers
Higlights of the Day have been the charity concert of gifted young musicians Daniil Titov, Ella Bandy, and Kristina Ergova (Scotland), Galina and Viktoria Gusachenko (Germany), the exibition of artist Daria Naumetz and photographer Ekatherina Solovyeva, and the charity bazaar with the participation of a vocal ensemble «Polynushka» (Berlin). The latter was sucsessfully run after the Liturgy in Holy Ressurection Cathedral.
My special hearty gratitude goes to all organizers, participants and friends of Diakonia for their contribution to the sucsess of the Day and our common volunteer activities.
We will meet on the next first Saturday of July!
Алина Титова