Christmas charity market in Cologne: 16-12-2018
The traditional pre-Christmas charity market has taken place on December 16 in Cologne.
The volunteers of Diaconia Good Deed have started the preparations for the winter charity event already in early autumn. I am glad that from year to year more and more friends help us with the event. The teachers and students of St. John of Shanghai Children’s and Youth Center, the sisterhood, the parishioners of the church of Sts. Great martyr worked all together for good. Even the preschoolers, as usual, have baked Christmas cookies under the guidance of the teachers and parents. Just to the fair, a team of young people from Stuttgart arrived to help the Cologne volunteers. All together they have installed and decorated the pavilions, and set up the counters. As in previous years, the magic music of P.I. Tchaikovsky for Nutcracker ballet has created a joyful festive atmosphere. The souvenirs and homemade jams that remained have been sold after the Liturgy on next Sunday .
In total, we have collected EUR 2548.
Every month, the Diaconia Good Deed in Cologne takes care of several children who are undergoing long-term treatments in Germany (here we mean months or even years). The funds collected will be used to pay the debts for the treatment, the costs of insurance, housing, transportation, and everyday needs of the families of Dima Sh. from the Kemerovo region. (10 years, neuroblastoma), Kamila K. from North Ossetia (8 years, neuroblastoma), Eldar E. from Chechnya (14 years, cerebral palsy), Radmir G. from Kazakhstan (6 years, neuroblastoma).
We thank everyone who has helped: the organizers, the participants, the donators!
They have worked so unanimously, willingly, and heartily, that we felt – Christ is truly among us!