Anelia K.

Age: 8 y. o.
Residence: Ufa, Russia
Diagnosis: Single ventricle, pulmonary artery atresia, transposition of the great vessels, atrial septal defect
Needs: treatment in Germany
Funds to raise: EUR 15,800

From her birth, Anelia has several serious diagnoses. The girl has undergone a series of complex surgeries. Five years ago, she underwent a Fontan procedure at the Charité clinic (Berlin). Now, Anelia needs to continue her treatment. However, the family requires financial assistance. They need 15,800 euros

Vasilisa D.

Age: 6 y. o.
Residence: Volgograd, Russia
Diagnosis: Epilepsy, Cerebral Palsy
Needs: medicine
Funds to raise: EUR 400

We have been alreary helping this family. However, such severe diagnoses demand assistance all the time. We have been alreary helping this family. However, such severe diagnoses demand assistance all the time. For a long time, doctors could not find the cause of the girl’s ailments or prescribe an effective treatment. After treatment at a German clinic, an effective therapy was established and the daily seizures became less frequent. This has positively influenced the child’s physical and mental development. Now, the child requires an expensive antiepileptic medication. Approximately 400 euros are needed to purchase the medication for six months.

Anya A.

Age: 10 y. o.
Residence: Novosibirsk, Russia
Diagnosis: Congenital heart defect
Needs: get back home
Funds to raise: EUR 1500

Anya has a congenital heart defect. For the past 10 years, she has been regularly brought to Germany for treatment and consultations. At the end of October, Anya and her mother arrived for an openheart surgery. The doctors examined her condition, held a consultation, and decided that the surgery needed to be postponed because, in her current vascular state, it would be ineffective. However, it was necessary to perform a surgical correction of a submucous cleft palate – the suture had come apart, which caused the child considerable discomfort: food and water were constantly entering her nose, and repeated infections occurred due to bacteria. The surgery could only be performed in mid-January. Anya and her mother had to stay in Germany much longer than planned. They had to extend their visas and find additional funds for accommodation and meals. Now the doctors have permitted them to return home, but they do not have enough money for the tickets. They need 1500 euros to get to Novosibirsk.

Nikita K.

Age: 5 y. o.
Residence: Nizhny Novgorod Region, Russia
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy
Needs: surgery in Georgia
Funds to raise: EUR 14,700

Nikita was born at 26 weeks weighing just 850 grams. He spent a month in intensive care and then in the pathology department.
At 10 months, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Since then, he has been undergoing regular rehabilitation. Nikita’s intellect is fully preserved: he speaks, learns poems and songs, and knows the alphabet and numbers.
Due to a growth spurt, he developed spasticity that caused hip dislocations, necessitating surgery. Nikita is in severe pain, and the operation will help reduce spasticity and realign his joints. The operation at a clinic in Georgia costs €14,700.