On July 2, 2016, in Munich, on the premises of the Cathedral of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia and St. Nicholas, we held the Second Day of the Orthodox volunteers timed to the commemoration of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco.
The event has been attended by about 50 volunteers from Germany, Switzerland and Austria, and has proceeded under the guidance and with active participation of archpriests Ilya Limberger (Stuttgart), Nikolay Artemov (Munich), Nikolay Zabelich (Munich), and archbishop Pateleimon (Shatov) from Moscow.
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On July 2, Church commemorates St. John of Shangai, who, among other things, is the patron saint of volunteer aid workers.
The Orthodox Volunteer Day in Berlin-German Dioscese was decided to be held on first Saturday of July. This time this is July 2nd. The activities of the Day will take place in the Cathedral of the Holy New-Martyrs and Confessors of Russia and St. Nicholas in Munich.
The topic of the year is: HEARTNESS AND RESPONSIBILITY
The program is centred around the psychological aspects of volunteer activities and the support of the volunteers in their work with the patients.
The updates and registration form can be found at our website.
Update: the registration is extended till June 22!.
Preliminary program (in Russian)
Preliminary program (in German)
One can also register by phone or e-mail:
+ 49 1525 7081910, Elena.Lysova@orthodiakonia.de
+ 49 176 97892079, Katharina.Schadrov@orthodiakonia.de
On the day of orthodox Palm Sunday, April 24, 2016, the Diakonia volunteers have successfully hold charity bazaars in 4 German cities: Berlin, Regensburg, Stuttgart and Munich. The unusually cold weather and freezing showers could not cool down their enthousiasm! The events have been attended by hundreds, and the volunteers, somewhat unexpectedly, managed to collect a record total of about EUR 6,000.
The funds were collected for Dascha Dolmatowa from Russia (11 y.o, retinoblastoma, requires tratment in Berlin), Nikita Kutscherenko from Ukraine (15 y.o., cerebral palsy, reabilitation in Ratingen) and the priest Nikolai Uljahin from Belarus (diabetes, prothesis in Köln).
Many thanks to all volunteers, their assistants and donators! Happy, enlightening and merry Easter for all who did good! Christ is risen!
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A short tour of a Moscow theather “Orange sky” in Kleve, Germany is just over.
The troupe gave 4 performances in three days.
For two evenings, the Russian- and German-speaking audience enjoyed in XOX theather an excellent stage direction and terrific acting at the performance of “The Little Tragedies” by Pushkin ( Mozart and Salieri, The Miserly Knight, The Stone Guest, and A Feast During the Plague)
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Dear friends!
The children I wrote about in January still need our help:
Artem Leicht 3 years old, is diagnosed with a spastic paraparesis of a 3rd grade and the left side of his body is atrophied. The child can’t walk, but manages to get up. For a 3-week rehabilitation course in the clinic of Ratingen it is necessary to collect 4665€.
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