Children Camp “Good Deed” in Cologne

During the autumn holidays, the 16th-20th of October, the Child-Youth centre of “Saint John of Shanghai” in Cologne was hosting another children and youth camp. The coordinators and pedagogues decided to name it “Good Deed” this time and dedicate it to the theme of compassion and support of ill children.
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Charity ball in Berlin, 2-10-2016

A charity ball on behalf of Diankonia has been held in Berlin on October 2.
See the photos:
We have raised EUR 760 for Diakonia care-receivers.


Review of a gest:

The ball in Berlin, the ball of autumn!
It was so much to see!

One cannot find enough praising epithets for this ming-blowing event! I want to thank all gathered as well as everybody separately for a creation of such, I’m tempted to say, unearthy athmosphere! That has been a time jump! World-known compositions have been performed with flute and saxophone. What a terrific beginning it was: chello and J.S. Bach. Later, we have been whirled in eddies of gipsy spirit. And dancing, dancing, dancing till late into night.
A ball is a really special event, great of scale for any time. Yet his main component are us, those who have organized, brought through, and performed this event with a lot of positive emotions! I am flattered to be a part of it! Thanks to you and a deep bow – that we have learned at the ball in a folk Russian dance.

Irina Letaeva

Charity ball to support “Good Deed” , Stuttgart, 16-9-2016

00260003 Already for several years the organizations of Russian Orthodox Church in Germany organize a ball to commemorate the patron saints of marrige and family in Russian tradition, St. Petr and Feuronia of Murom.
All funds raised go to support of “Good deed” care-receivers, sick children from the countries of former Soviet Union that are being treated in Germany. On September 16, I have attended this ball in Stuttgart and liked it very much.
Not only the members of Stuttgart parishes were there: the volunteers of “Good Deed” from all over Germany have come – from Munich, Konstanz, Reutlingen and other cities. Some guests came in whole families, while others brought their friends to the event. Beside the volonteers that I knew well there were people who have never heard of “Good Deed” before. We all enjoyed the festive and cozy athmosphere of the event. The spiritual father of “Good Deed”, fr. Ilya Limberger, was present as well.
With him, we have sung the tropar to St. Petr and Feuronia, and fr. Ilya has opened the event with warm words of greeting and exhortation.


The hosts – young couple of Arseniy and Katherina Schareiko – have demonstrated to the guests how to dance the historic dances of the program. We have experienced a ceremonial polonaise, fast polka, graceful minuet, magical waltz, and finished with a cheerful wedding round-dance. We were thus given a unique opportunity to learn beautiful noblemanly dances as well as to meet those whom we did not know yet. Novelty of this year was a wish-game. Everybody wrote their own wish on a piece of paper, fixed it to a ballon, and we let the ballons go! This was solemn and beautiful. Furthermore, we played forfeits and just chatted. Children and youth from Stuttgart parishes performed songs about family life.


I wish to thank all organizers of the Ball: youth committee, young family club of St. Nicholais parish in Stuttgart, and, of course, fr. Ilya. Thanks so much for this opportunity to gather for the sake of “Good Deed”. A note to everybody who would love to attend but could not come: the next event of this sort will take place in Berlin, October 2nd.

Hurry to do good!

with love in Christ,
Varvara Klimova


The second Orthodox Volunteer Day: what happened?

The Second Orthodox Volunteer Day has taken place on July 2, 2016 in Munich and was timed to the commemoration of St. John of Shangai and San-Francisco

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Orthodox Volunteer Day 2016: Photos


Friday, 1-7-2016

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The registration of participants has begun