Hello everyone,
In September, we have helped to pay for treatment and related expenses to Anna Abramova, 8 y. o., heart defect, and Ivan Ibragimov, 12 y. o., myelodysplastic syndrome. Here is a letter from Anya’s mother about their success.
Anna just underwent an endovascular surgery, whereby a complete examination of the heart and blood vessels was performed. The necessary manipulations have been done to dilate her blood vessels and eliminate stenosis.
As usual, Anna’s operation has lasted for about 4 hours. Now her condition has already stabilized. The blood oxygen saturation is above 83%. She has to come in 10 days for a check on an outpatient basis.
We thank your organization for your help and support, we really appreciate that in the difficult period for our family you gave a helping hand to us!
May Lord God protect you!
Respectfully yours, Svetlana

Dear friends, thank you for your support! This success would not be achieved without you!

In October, our help is awaited by: Read more


The blessed time: summer is still bearing fruit, the sun sometimes warms you up, the children still go to school with pleasure.)
And we continue to do good to the best of our strengths and capabilities!
In August, we helped to pay for the treatment and related expenses to Alyosha Afonin, 5 y. o., St. Petersburg, neuroblastoma; Tatiana Serkova, Moscow region, deafness; Anna Nikolaeva, 7 y. o., St. Petersburg, heart disease.

Dear friends, thank you for your support!

In September, our help is awaited by:
Read more


Dear friends, in July we have helped to pay for the treatment to Danila Miroshnichenko, 4
y.o., Ukraine, heart disease, and to Maxim Antonenko, 29 y.o., Ukraine, progressive left-sided
squamous cell carcinoma.
Thank you!
In this month, your help is awaited by: Read more


Dear friends, in May and June we have helped to pay for treatment and rehabilitation to:
Alina Kupriyanova, 7 years old, Russia, congenital heart disease, organic lesion in the central nervous system, cerebral palsy; Elena Egorycheva, 12 years old, Russia, cancer, brain tumor; Victoria Meyer, 3 years old, Germany, hyperglycemia, epilepsy; Matvey Belyakov, 10 years old, Russia, absence of fibula, shortening of the leg; Savva Balabanov, 11 years old, Russia, hemaphagocytic lymphaistiocytosis, Epstein-Barr virus; Dima Seredyuk, 9 years old, Ukraine, cerebral palsy.
We have purchased and transported medical equipment to Belarus and Russia, supported a Russian family in a difficult situation.
Thank you for being with us!
In this month, your help is awaited by: Read more

MAY 2021

Christ is Risen!
We congratulate everyone with the bright feast of Easter! May the victory of Christ over the Death give us all the hope and strength to do good.

Dear friends, thank you for your help.
In April, we have helped to:
Nikita Tereshchenkov, 17 y. o., Leningrad region, Russia, acute myeloid leukemia;
Matvey Belyakov, 10 y. o., St. Petersburg, Russia, congenital absence of fibula;
Masha Ruzavina, 11 y. o, Irkutsk region, Russia, congenital epidermolysis bullosa;
Liza Savelyeva, 12 y. o., Ukraine, epilepsy;
Eldar Eldarov, 16 y. o., Chechen Republic, Russia, cerebral palsy;
Semyon Ivanov, 23 y. o., Estonia, cerebral palsy, level 4 diplegia.
In May, the following children and young adults need our help: Read more