July-August 2017

Dear friends,
In July, we have sucsessfully held our regular annual event – the Orthodox Volunteer Day. More than 50 participants from 8 countries have attended the Day. There were representatives of local Diakonia groups from 30 cities of Germany, Scotland, and the Netherlands, and volunteer organizations and charity funds from Russia, Israel, Belgium, Switzerland and Moldova.
The report, photos, and useful stuff are to be found at our website.

Thank you, dear donators: with you, in addition to common volunteer activities, we have managed to help to:

Anastasia Dubogryzova, 2 years, Blagoveshchensk, who has been sent home by German medics .We have helped to pay the travel and medicine required.
We have given the funds for everyday care and for forthcoming treatment to Tatiana Ovsyannikova, 35 years old, form the Belarus city of Borisov, craniopharingioma. Thank you very much!

In August, we ask you to help to Bagin family from Kirov. Two years ago their first child died yet at early stage of pregnancy. During the second pregnancy, the forthcoming daughter of Yana and Igor has been diagnosed with Spina Bifida, incomplete closing of the bones protecting the spinal cord. The intrauterine surgery can not be performed owing to multiple complications.

However, the doctors of Zurich university hospital are ready to provide the necessary treatment immediately after the birth. The required funds amount to € 143,000

Warm hugs,
yours Alina Titova


For the health of:
infants Nadezhda, Tatyana, Michail, Savva, Alexandra,
children Natalya, Irina, Svetlana, Anastasia, Maxim, Maxim

For the health of our volunteers and for God’s help in their every good deed:
Irina, Elena, Alla, Vera, diakon Mikhail, Xenia, Veronica, Yuliania, Yulia, Akhaz, Maxim, Andrey, Elena, Anastasia; Xenia, Anton, Sergey, Alexandra, Maria, Fotinia, Tatiana, Olga, Anastasia, Irina, Maria; Angelina, Sergey, Alexandra, Galina, Yuli, Anton, Nicolai, Elena, Evgeniya, Elena, Marina, Marina, Margarita, Daniil; priest Alexy, priest Ilya, priest Nicolai, priest Alexandr, priest Victor, priest Evgeny.

Also remember to pray for their relatives!

JUNE 2017

Dear friends, happy summer to you! Summers are connected to our childhood, exploration, the sea, the feelings of joy and freedom. Let us then be joyful and free! And let us pass these feelings unto the people around us. Thank you for your help!

From the May records of our coordinators of local Diakonia groups:
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MAY 2017

Dear friends, thank you for your help!
In April we managed to:
-financially support Danja Ilychenko, 6 yo, anaplastic ependymoma, from Svyatogorsk, who has bravely fought for several years against cancer – at the moment he is in the reanimation department of the clinic of Donetsk;
-organise the travel of Andrej Dmitriev, 10 yo, spine injury, Donetsk, to the clinic in Bonn for his operation (a particular thank you to Aeroflot for the free flight!) and to cover his living costs throughout the time of the operation;
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April 2017

Christ has risen!

Happy Easter to us all, the most important of all celebrations – one of hope and joy! Let there be more light and kindness in our world. Thank you to everyone who is contributing to it!

In March you helped: Alexey Holkin, 10y., ICP, to pay for his treatment in the rehabilitation clinic; Mariana Cherevata from Ukrain, 19 y., myasthenia – to pay for her operation in Nürnberg; Liza Razdolskaja from Ukraine, 11 y., kidney malfunction – to purchase medicaments, enabling her to wait until a kidney and liver transplant.
In April, the following children need our help:
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MARCH 2017

Dear friends!
A happy spring time to us all! The time when the air is full of life, anything seems possible and everything should be light and joyous!
Our successes over February:
With your help it was possible to partially finance the operation on exchanging the implants for Stepan Tischkow aus Charkiw (Ukraine), 8 Jahre alt, Diagnose: CLOVES-Syndrom, teilweise bezahlt.
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