December 2014
Dear friends, I wish you a happy festive season!
Even though we had some political and economical difficulties, let us thank God and each other for the past year! We have achieved a lot. First of all, we stayed human during this difficult time. I hope we will all continue on this path!
A short summary of 2014
We helped 61 children from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Moldova and Kazakhstan. 39 757 €, £ 740, 108.204 RUB were raised. Thank you! Your help is invaluable!
Our most import resource is people! Working for us are the best, cheapest and most selfless volunteers! Around 300 people supported those who came to Europe for treatment and their families. Diakonia groups organised a regular visit to the ill children in German clinics, translations, airport transfers, fund raising at place, benevolence fairs, concerts and exhibitions, psychological support, teaching and entertainment of the ill children…Thank you for existing! May God keep you and your family safe! Let the good that you do, come back to you hundred fold!
The Diakonia has developed and strengthen during this year. The departments of work with foundations and clinics as well as for translations have grown! Thank you for doing this for others! Around 50 thousand Euros were raised from German foundations for the treatment of our ill children.
Our team of technical support has gone through a lot of work. Thanks to our tremendous designer in Cologne, flyers, posters, buttons and listing of our events have seen the light. Our IT team has updated our website. Now it resembles a platform, where you can not only find information about how to help or get help, but also actively participate in the process of helping others! Thank you for your persistence, talent and selflessness!
Together we have celebrated our 30 month jubilee! During this time the amount of subscribers has gone up to 1.5 thousand! 26 people have made their benevolence regular: every month they transfer a little sum to the account of our Diakonia for children in need.
I am sure that continuity and a good heart bear fruit to those in need and to ourselves.
Be joyful and healthy this year! Think about others! And always:
Your Alina
Prayer list for December:
Inf. Andrej, Jaromir, Dionysios, Elena, Elisabeth, Elisabeth, Dimitrij.
Youth. Maxim, Daniil, Lazarus, Mikhail, Ilija, Ariadna, Nikita.
For the repose: