Dear friends, this summer was hot not only because of the weather, but also because of intense support to our care-receivers. Thank you for being always close and ready to help! The heart warmth and the love with which our sponsors and volunteers approach every child or adult in need of help cannot be measured in degrees Celsius, but its influence on the world around us, on our bodies and souls cannot be overestimated!
In June and July, owing to you, we have helped:
to a family in a difficult situation from Macedonia; with payment for treatment at the clinic Helios to Maxim Butenko, 12 years old, from Ukraine, rhabdomyosarcoma; to a family in a difficult situation from Berlin; to Masha Maximova, 5 years old, from Russia, heart surgery.
We have also received the guarantee letters from German funds concerning the payment for the treatment for Emil Shakirov, 4 years old, Ewing’s sarcoma, Pavel Bobarykin, 6 years old, congenital heart disease, Danila and Yaroslav Spiridonov, 17 years old, destruction of the hip joints, Anya Chemeris, 15 years old, congenital heart disease.
The annual international Volunteer Day has taken place. Without exaggeration, I can say that it was the best of all held in the last 5 years. The traditional charity event in the framework of Volunteer Day has brought about 2,000 euros, this will be used to pay for the treatment of our care-receiver in Ratingen. Thanks to everyone who has come and participated! The materials of the Day and some talks held can be found at our website: www.orthodiakonia.de
The following people are waiting for our help in August:
I warmly embrace everyone,
Your Alina Titova